Sunday, October 31, 2010

Jane Kim For President

Vote for Jane Kim for president (of San Francisco Board of Supervisors!)

Also, please buy a copy of "Life" by Keith Richards. Just like Jane Kim, I don't actually know whether it's any good but my roommate recommends both so you might as well take his word for it.

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tucker Max

Tucker Max is pretty entertaining.

He's got a new book out called Assholes Finish First. And his first book, I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell, is supposed to be quite good too.

His story have always been pretty hilarious. He also wrote a pretty insightful guest blog post. It was over on The Four Hour Work Week blog.

Pretty interesting thoughts on how to be entrepreneurial in your marketing efforts:

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Definitive Book of Body Language

I have been telling people about this book for a while. Its a fascinating topic with a ton of informative content and an excellent writing style.

Key Takeaway: This is a must read. Excellent Content.
Well written and very important knowledge to have.

Content: Tremendously informative.  Important and useful stuff to learn about.

Writing Style: Easy to understand. Excellent use of illustrations and photos.

Why Bother: You will learn a lot about what other people's body language means. It will also improve your awareness of your own body language and the signals that you are subtly giving off.

Negatives: It may be difficult to retain all the new information that is included. Acting on this knowledge is easier said than done. Not for those who are skeptical of self improvement.

Summary: A "must-read". I highly recommend The Definitive Book of Body Language.

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